Oh, that same old feeling

My brother Robert came to me back in the late nineties and said he had, after five years work, scripted tonal vibrations intertwined in his music that will balance my biofield. I said your what, has what, that will do what to my what? Because he was my brother, I reluctantly promised to use it as he instructed. A couple days go by and no results. I complain, he said wait and continue. Because he’s family I continued faithfully for another three days. I once again complain … but then I come up with a way out … genius! I say, “Hey, we have a chance to go sailing tomorrow but the captain has a really bad headache, I really want to go but he might cancel. Will this help him?” Smooth… He said, “Maybe, give it to him to try.” Success, I got out of it and pushed it onto my sailing buddy.
The very next morning two amazing things happened, so profoundly that it prompted me to dissolve my successful business and started a partnership with my brother to get this out to the world (okay, neighborhood – we grew).

That same old feeling – here’s what happened. When I woke up the next day after giving it to the captain, I felt tired, had a sore back (which was common for me) and my mind was kind of doleful-cloudy (again pretty common for me). The amazing thing was that for the last week I had been sleeping well, waking up without soreness and my mind was sharp and clear. I just hadn’t noticed. It came to me as a hard-hitting reality – a real aha moment – when the balancing influence was taken away I went back to my old me, an old me I didn’t realize I was. Well, I didn’t like the old me anymore and immediately asked Robert for more and have been using it ever since. Today, 20 years later, I still wake up rested (mostly), I have no soreness and I’m bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Oh, and my sailing buddy called that morning and said, “We’re shipping out and you can’t have the music back.” Any theories why it worked so well?


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